Our roadmaps make STEM more accessible to 23 million Vietnamese who want to work in these fields but face barriers

Our first version of NARA aimed at Vietnamese youth aged 16 to 30 including:

  • High school, undergraduates (esp. frosh and soph) and students in vocational training who are interested in STEM career but do not know their exact fit yet
  • Post-graduates who are looking for a change in career to STEM but do not know their exact fit yet
  • Anyone who has not been able to find easily accessible sources of information in STEM career due to language limitation
  • Anyone who is overwhelmed with too many sources of information and needs a one-stop shop that gives a general, clear and concise yet detailed pathway for their intended career

NARA's Goals:

follow free roadmaps for STEM subjects to give a bird’s-eye view on Web Development and Data Analysis careers
Understand basic terminologies in Web Development/ Data Science
Know where to look for more information to dig deeper
Find a community for support and exchange